Fun and useful alternatives for a Grit Bin in your workplace

Fun and useful alternatives for a Grit Bin in your workplace
22 June 2022 186 view(s) 3 min read
Fun and useful alternatives for a Grit Bin in your workplace

The sun is breaking through and winter is a distant memory. For now at least. This means your grit bin has likely become redundant, stored away in the dark recesses of your warehouse, storage cupboard or office during the warmer months.

What if we told you that you could reuse your grit bin around the office?

Here are some of our favourite ways to reuse your grit bin during the warmer periods.


If you have been filling up your grit bin over the winter, you will know they can store a lot inside them. Why not put all this space to good use?

Rather than buy a new storage container, you can reuse your grit bin as storage in your office or warehouse. Whether this is office supplies or warehouse tools/equipment – let your imagination run wild.

One great example of a grit bin perfect for storage is our UniKart Wheeled Grit Bin – 75 Litre / 75 kg Capacity. The wheels and handle allow you to move the grit bin around the office or warehouse. A handy feature come sun or snow!

Plant bed

If your office is looking a bit bland, you can transform your grit bin into a plant bed.

Fill the grit bin with compost and plant some seeds, over time you will have a blossoming array of office plants.

Not only will it make the office look better, but your employees will also benefit from having office plants as well. Having plants in your office has several benefits:

1) They can improve the health of employees and reduce sick days

2) Increase productivity

3) Certain plants can boost creativity

4) Office plants will absorb background noise

5) They can reduce stress

6) Help attract new staff

7) Reduce the use of energy by reducing the temperature in a building and reducing the need to use an air conditioning unit

8) Improve the air quality in your work space

If you would like more information about why office plants are important in a workplace, be sure to read hoppier’s blog: 7 Reasons to Introduce Office Plants In Your Workplace (With Expert Advice & A Shareable Video).

If you’re not looking to create a large plant area, or would prefer several smaller plant beds, the 30 Litre Mini Grit Bin is the ideal grit bin to use.

Paper recycling bin

Again, this uses the size of the grit bin to your advantage. The grit bin can be used to create a large paper recycling station, ensuring paper isn’t thrown into the general waste.

Once the bin is full, you can empty it into the wider paper collection recycling point, and it is ready to collect even more paper!

If you have the Compact Grit Bin – 6 Cu Ft / 169 Litre Capacity, the compact design makes it ideal for collecting paper to be later recycled.

These are just a few ideas of how you can reuse your grit bin during the warmer months. If you have any other creative ways to reuse a grit bin, or if you’ve tried one of the above, please snap a photo and share with us on Facebook or Twitter.

If you’d like to find out more about the grit bins we have available, please contact our sales team on 01777 858009 or email

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