Grit Bins. Product Lifespan?

Grit Bins. Product Lifespan?
15 August 2018 100 view(s) 2 min read
Grit Bins. Product Lifespan?

Many various types of containers over the years have been used for the storage of Rock Salt. Amongst the first materials used in the construction of Grit Bins were stone, concrete and wood. Up until recent times the most common material used in the construction of Grit Bins was a material commonly known as fibreglass or Glass Re-inforced plastic (GRP). Nowadays, throughout the UK  the most common material used for manufacturing Grit Bins is  called Polyethylene, which is a tough and durable plastic material. These bins are manufactured from a process known as Rotational Moulding.

Plastic Grit Bins began replacing bins made from other materials in the late 1970’s to early 1980’s. There are now tens of thousands of plastic Grit Bins sold throughout the UK every year. Plastic bins are much more economical and easy to replace than bins made from other materials, making them the choice product for Councils and Local Authorities throughout the UK.

These bins can be supplied in a full range of colours, with the main colour of choice being yellow for high visibility. Each Plastic Bin is manufactured adding an additive which is known as a UV Stabiliser, which guarantees that the colour will not fade for up to 10 years. Although the colour will fade after this time, this does not render the Grit Bin unusable. There are Plastic Grit Bins out in the field that were manufactured well over 20 to 25 years ago and are still in working order. The main cause of bins needing replacing in the UK is usually due to vandalism or damage by some other means and not the natural deterioration of the bin.

With the main factor causing deterioration in Plastic Grit Bins being sunlight, which causes the colour to fade, the construction and durability of the bin still remains intact and there should be no reason why a Grit Bin manufactured in Plastic should not have a lifespan of 25 years or even longer.

If you’d like to find out more about the grit bins we have available, please contact our sales team on 01777 802213 or email

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