Posts tagged 'Grit'

Fun and useful alternatives for a Grit Bin in your workplace
22 June 2022
186 view(s) 3 min read

Fun and useful alternatives for a Grit Bin in your workplace

The sun is breaking through and winter is a distant memory. For now at least. This means your grit bin has likely become redundant, stored away in the dark recesses of your warehouse, storage cupboard or office during the warmer months. What if we told you that you could reuse your grit bin around the office? Here are some of our favourite ways to reuse your grit bin during the warmer periods.
Getting to know rock salt and grit
17 February 2022
433 view(s) 3 min read

Getting to know rock salt and grit

The UK weather can be temperamental. One day it’s clear, the next it’s raining, and the day after it's icy. You need to make sure you are ready for anything.

Arguably the most difficult weather condition to manage is snow and freezing temperatures. To make things that bit more complicated, the products used to prevent ice aren’t the easiest to get your head around.

Grit bin guide
8 December 2021
354 view(s) 5 min read

Grit and grit bins 101: What you need to know

The weather in the UK has well and truly taken a turn over the past month, with the milder weather replaced by freezing cold winds. As such, we expect to see more ice and snow hitting our areas soon so being prepared for the coldest of conditions is crucial.

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