
Our top 5 Snow Shovels
22 November 2022
209 view(s) 2 min read

Our top 5 Snow Shovels

Based on what we have seen from past winters in the UK, it’s more than likely that we will be experiencing snow at some point during the coming months. Preparation is the key at this time of the year, and having the right equipment for the job, makes all the difference.

5 things your business needs to do before winter
10 October 2022
933 view(s) 3 min read

5 things your business needs to do before winter

The key to mastering the winter months as a business is preparation. If you prepare well, you’ll find winter a breeze, but if you fail to prepare, you’ll limp through the winter months. But what do you need to do to make sure you’re prepared for winter? We’ve got a complete checklist ready, so you don’t have to. 

Top 5 worst winters in the UK
13 September 2022
30786 view(s) 4 min read

Top 5 worst winters in the UK

I’m sure you have seen plenty of ‘winter is coming’ captions from companies but, winter is coming, and it can throw up all sorts of weather conditions and issues for the UK.

Top 5 winter facts that will shock you
31 August 2022
208 view(s) 3 min read

Top 5 winter facts that will shock you

During winter, you need to be prepared for many surprises. From snowfall to frozen pavements, it’s one of the most unpredictable seasons of the year.

Before we face the unpredictability, we’ve found the five most interesting facts that you need to know about winter.

Fun and useful alternatives for a Grit Bin in your workplace
22 June 2022
186 view(s) 3 min read

Fun and useful alternatives for a Grit Bin in your workplace

The sun is breaking through and winter is a distant memory. For now at least. This means your grit bin has likely become redundant, stored away in the dark recesses of your warehouse, storage cupboard or office during the warmer months. What if we told you that you could reuse your grit bin around the office? Here are some of our favourite ways to reuse your grit bin during the warmer periods.
Keep cautious: Understanding the dos and don’ts of snow and ice clearing in public spaces
16 March 2022
168 view(s) 3 min read

Keep cautious: Understanding the dos and don’ts of snow and ice clearing in public spaces

When bad weather arrives, making sure paths and roads are clear and safe is important. This is where the confusion of who the responsibility falls on to clear streets and roads arises. 
As a business owner, you want to make sure your land is safe to avoid slips or trips for employees and visitors. Do you know what is the council's responsibility to clear? Do you know what is your responsibility to clear?

Getting to know rock salt and grit
17 February 2022
431 view(s) 3 min read

Getting to know rock salt and grit

The UK weather can be temperamental. One day it’s clear, the next it’s raining, and the day after it's icy. You need to make sure you are ready for anything.

Arguably the most difficult weather condition to manage is snow and freezing temperatures. To make things that bit more complicated, the products used to prevent ice aren’t the easiest to get your head around.

Rainwater Harvesting
16 February 2022
1252 view(s) 3 min read

Understanding the costs and the benefits of rainwater harvesting

Rainwater harvesting is becoming increasingly popular across the UK due to several reasons. By harvesting rainwater, you can reduce your company's water bills, but also help the environment while you are at it.

If you are thinking of starting to harvest rainwater, then you probably have a few questions.

Potable water
10 December 2021
4736 view(s) 3 min read

How long can you store potable drinking water for in our water tanks?

The last thing you want as you are about to take a sip of a refreshing glass of water is to see it looks a bit murky and there is a weird smell coming from the glass. Has the water gone off? Is the tank not suitable? Or did you just leave the water in the tank too long?

Let’s look at how long you should store water in a tank and how to protect the water from contamination in your water storage tank.

Grit bin guide
8 December 2021
352 view(s) 5 min read

Grit and grit bins 101: What you need to know

The weather in the UK has well and truly taken a turn over the past month, with the milder weather replaced by freezing cold winds. As such, we expect to see more ice and snow hitting our areas soon so being prepared for the coldest of conditions is crucial.

Top 5 weather websites
2 December 2021
25461 view(s) 9 min read

The top 5 weather websites to check your local weather to prepare your business

Keeping up to date with the weather is arguably as important as keeping up to date with the news. Most of us will have a weather app or website saved on phones or computers. Whether these sites are accurate or useful is up for debate but, most of the time they will get the weather right, kind of.
Different Types of Salt Spreaders
1 December 2021
734 view(s) 5 min read

The different types of salt spreaders: Which one is the best for your business?

Spreading salt isn’t the most glamorous of tasks, but it is important. In most cases, it is a legal requirement for business owners to properly grit their land. It can also help you avoid any expensive injury claims if you ensure your business is properly maintained over the cold winter months. Let's look at the key facts about salt spreaders, the different types and why they are so important to a business.
salt mines around the world
1 December 2021
913 view(s) 4 min read

Salt mines around the world

Most people think salt is simply to add flavour to meals and to be used as a food preservative. However, only 6% of all salt manufactured goes into food. We use salt in over 14,000 different ways from making products such as paper, plastic, glass, polyester and rubber to household soap, bleach, dyes and detergents. Another common use of salt is to treat icy roads and paths in winter, this is because salt has a lower freezing point than water. Everyone uses salt, whether its directly or indirectly.
How to beat the winter freeze: A closer look at ProBrine
8 November 2021
190 view(s) 3 min read

How to beat the winter freeze: A closer look at ProBrine

With winter around the corner, it is crucial to be prepared for the worst conditions we can face in the UK. Snow and ice often grind the country to a halt. Making sure you have the correct materials to deal with it can be crucial. We have looked at one item that we find is popular during this time of the year, probrine. It is an alternative to standard salt and has slowly become the norm for dealing with snow and ice.
What are liquid de-icers?
19 October 2021
45 view(s) 2 min read

What are liquid de-icers?

Liquid de-icers are a fantastic alternative to traditional rock salt for many reasons, here’s what you need to know about them.

Council Grit Bins. Managing Rock salt levels
6 October 2021
86 view(s) 2 min read

Council Grit Bins. Managing Rock salt levels

In previous years there has been some issues in ensuring that rock salt levels in council grit bins are kept as fully stocked as possible. Each council will have in place a system for replenishing and to ensure that  each of their grit bins are kept as fully stocked as possible on a regular basis, with a rota being based mainly on weather forecasts and priority given to grit bins positioned on hills and in busy areas.
Cold countries. How they deal with snow and ice
15 September 2021
145 view(s) 2 min read

Cold countries. How they deal with snow and ice

Dealing with severe winter weather conditions in the UK is a challenge for the country as a whole but how do other countries deal with winters that stretch over two hundred days throughout the year and snow drifts can be as deep as 10 or 15 feet?

Council Gritting Teams. First Gritting of Winter
13 September 2021
33 view(s) 2 min read

Council Gritting Teams. First Gritting of Winter

With the first of the cold weather creeping in, councils around the country begun gritting the road networks. 

Be prepared for winter and plan ahead
2 September 2020
41 view(s) 2 min read

Be prepared for winter and plan ahead

Even though the Winter season has drawn to a close, preparation is everything when it comes to purchasing winter safety equipment. The sooner you buy them, the quicker you are fully prepared in the event of a harsh winter or freak weather occurrence.

Freak storms around the World
19 August 2020
79 view(s) 1 min read

Freak storms around the World

Throughout the world, countries with tropical climates experience snow very rarely, but from time to time the unexpected happens, here’s a few stories from around the globe:

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